Meme Economy

A stock market for memes

What is Meme Economy?

Meme Economy allows buying and selling meme shares that get value based on the popularity of meme templates.

Meme Templates

How is the popularity of a meme template determined?

Meme Economy collects social media posts with images. The images from social media are run through an image classifier that determines if the image is a meme. Once a post has been identified as containing a meme, Meme Economy monitors and quantifies social media engagement with that post. A meme template’s popularity comes from adding up the engagement score from all of the associated posts with memes.

Posts with memes

How does the popularity of a meme template change the value of a meme share?

Meme Economy issues dividends to meme shareholders based on the popularity of meme templates. The percent popularity of a meme template is published every 1 hour, every 24 hours Meme Economy will issue a dividend. The dividend amount that meme shareholders receive is equal to the percent popularity of the meme template. For example, if a meme template is 1% of meme social media engagement then meme shareholders will get a dividend equal to 1% of the dividend pool that day.

How can I buy a meme share?

Meme shares on Meme Economy must be purchased with Meme Economy tokens (XME). XME is being given away to early members of Meme Economy. Eventually, people will also be able to buy XME directly.

How is the daily dividend pool size calculated?

The daily dividend pool will be calculated based on the amount of XME in circulation and the market price of XME on that particular day.

How do I get my daily dividends as a meme shareholder?

You will automatically have dividends deposited in your Meme Economy account every 24 hours if you are a meme shareholder.

Can multiple people hold the same meme template?

Memes are bought and sold as shares - many people can own shares of the same meme template.

At any point in time all memes will have the same number of shares. The amount of meme shares that are authorized to be issued will be tied to the amount of XME in circulation.

How are meme shares on Meme Economy different from NFTs?

On other platforms, sometimes the image of a meme template is sold as a NFT. The value of a meme share on Meme Economy is derived from the amount of social media engagement for that particular meme template. In this way, meme shares on Meme Economy can reflect the true popularity of that meme template rather than the popularity among NFT collectors.

How can I join Meme Economy?

Meme Economy is currently in private beta. Please request an invite!